REMAR Fund LTD, is an Unregulated Eligible Investor Funds to operating in reinvest the equity received by the investors, partners or subsidiaries companies worldwide in other markets or industries maintaining guaranteed capital and profit.
The sole activity of the Fund is the receipt of funds from the investors procured by our related international entities worldwide who acting only in commercial support under a strictly dedicated role to develop a marketing and promotion of the financial opportunities offered by the Fund.
The fund is managed in respect of the laws exclusively by our leading team present in the REMAR FUND head office based in Jersey to assure a profit in respect of the commitments accorded with our partners.
The group have structured the fund to assure a significant advantage in competing with other European and offshore jurisdictions and becoming a funds jurisdiction of choice, particularly for private equity, alternative/hedge funds and sophisticated investors and the activities supervision is ensured by the holding company with a dedicated department.